In partnership with Terre des Hommes Germany (TDH Germany), CRC Asia developed a child-friendly version of the publication Children’s Rights and the Environment: Guidance on Reporting to the Committee on the Rights of the Child that supports civil society organizations, States, UN agencies, and other relevant actors in reporting not only to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, but also to other human rights treaty bodies and other relevant reporting mechanisms.
This child-friendly version of the Guide called My Planet, My Rights: A guide for children to tell the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child about their Right to a Healthy and Safe Environment was designed for children aged 13 and above, and developed with the advice from children aged 12-18.
The Guide was written & designed by Films For All for CRC Asia.
Dear children,
You and your peers are the most vulnerable to environmental threats, yet you are often not heard.
It’s time for change – together, let’s speak up about the planet!
Whether in the world, in our countries or communities, we all have a role in environmental protection.
This guide will help you to think about:
- How the environment impacts your rights as children
- Laws and agreements that protect the planet
- How to talk to other children about their environment
- How to report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child about your right to a healthy and safe environment
Here’s a glimpse of what’s inside the book!