
About #SafeWeb4Kids

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified in 1989, before the rise of the Internet. Children’s rights haven’t changed in the Internet age, but the context in which they’re expressed has. For example, digital media gives children greater opportunities to learn, socialize, and play. But children also face increased risks, including cyberbullying and potential abuse.

To tackle the risks children face online, the Child Rights Coalition Asia (CRC Asia) has partnered with UNICEF  to produce materials for children about how to stay safe online. These include a booklet for schools, developed and translated into 10 languages, and videos made by young people. These aim to give children the skills to use the Internet positively and safely. The materials are distributed online, in schools, and through children’s networks.

Learn how #SafeWeb4Kids was formed by watching this video:


The following #SafeWeb4Kids booklets are designed for use in schools, to teach children about online risk and harm.


They are available in the following languages:

  1. Bahasa Malaysia
  2. Bahasa Indonesia
  3. Chinese, traditional
  4. English
  5. Filipino
  6. Khmer
  7. Thai
  8. Vietnamese
  9. Korean
  10. Mongolian
  11. Hindi *NEW*
  12. Lao *NEW*

#SafeWeb4Kids Videos


Hong Kong






USB Card

All these materials are compiled in a USB cards and given out during CRC Asia activities and events and are available upon request. Please email info@wordpress.crcasia for more information.



Continuing the #SafeWeb4Kids Campaign

The voices of children that gave life to this campaign and its outcomes are being continued through synergistic efforts with government, civil society, and private sector on platforms at the local/national, regional, and international levels:

  • CRC Asia member organizations and the Secretariat participated in the Children’s and Experts’ Consultation on the UN CRC General Comment on Children’s Rights in the Digital Environment in 2019.
  • Children’s Rights in the Digital Environment has consistently been a thematic child rights issue and concern tackled at the annual Asia-Pacific Partnership Meeting of Child Rights Organizations and Networks (APPM) of CRC Asia.
  • Recommendations of children were put forward in the Declaration on the Protection of Children from all Forms of Online Exploitation and Abuse in ASEAN.
  • There are continuing national/local civil society-led campaign efforts on advancing children’s rights in the digital environment among CRC Asia member organizations.
  • Children’s Rights in the Digital Environment was one of the four key themes at the 2019 Asian Children’s Summit held in Bangkok, Thailand participated in by 46 children from 21 countries. The child delegates presented their recommendations and posed questions to adult guests from UN, ASEAN, South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC), and government and civil society representatives from Asia.
  • In partnership with the Protsahan India Foundation, one of the participants at the 2019 Asia Pacific Partnership Meeting of Child Rights Organizations and Networks (APPM), the #SafeWeb4Kids booklet has been translated into the Hindi language. The booklet was published early in September and is being used with about 3,000+ girl children age 11-18 across India. Especially given the context of the pandemic, the generation of children in the digital environment in education is said to find the material extremely important.

Read more, watch videos, and view photos from the 2019 Asian Children’s Summit here.