[Virtual Event] Launch of the Resource Book: Public Budgeting for Children’s Rights in the Philippines

One of the focuses of CRC Asia is to contribute to the strengthening of child rights governance by improving public budgeting for children, as guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child General Comment 19: Public Budgeting for the Realization of Children’s Rights (UN CRC). In partnership with UNICEF Philippines, CRC Asia developed a Resource Book to provide reference material for civil society organizations working on children’s rights to equip them with the knowledge on engaging the public finance management. The resource book is an outcome of a series of learning sessions and consultations with representatives of various national and local child rights organizations, people’s organizations, women’s organizations, persons with disability-focused organizations, and other human rights organizations. The said learning sessions also had officials from local government units and national government agencies share their knowledge and practical insights about the planning and budgeting processes in the country. The development of the resource book is also supported by Plan International and Save the Children-Philippines.

We are happy to launch the book on 2nd of December 2020 at 2PM-3PM (GMT+8) via Zoom. Please register on this link if you are interested to attend the virtual launch: www.tinyurl.com/ChildRightsBudgetCRCAsia.

Sign language interpretation will be available for this activity.

The digital copy of the resource book can be viewed and downloaded here.

Below are the activity posters for more information on the program and the invited guests.

Thank you and see you all then!

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