This child-friendly material explains the UN CRC General Comment No. 19 (GC19) Public Budgeting for the Realization of Children’s Rights which was launched on 22 September 2016.
GC19 spells out the obligations of state parties to the UNCRC regarding open, inclusive and accountable resource mobilization, budget allocation and spending for children. GC19 also recommends that children all over the world participate in budget decisions that will, for sure, affect them.
This illustrated primer, produced by the Centre for Children’s Rights, Queen University Belfast with advice from a group of children aged 10-14 and the Child Rights Connect Working Group on Investment in Children, encourages the involvement of children in the budget process. Contents include children’ rights particularly on public spending, public budgeting steps, and tips on how children can participate. Lastly, CRC Asia, as a member of the working group, has added a section which explains how investing in the prevention of violence against children today can actually benefit everyone in the long run.
Read or download the whole booklet here.
*Also watch this animated short on state’s obligations to invest in children’s rights.