[Joint Statement] ASEAN urged to heed UN Secretary General call for ceasefire, ensure human rights amid COVID-19 Southeast Asian states should heed call for global ceasefire, ensure conflict sensitivity and human rights in responding to COVID19 crisis

CRC Asia endorses the joint position statement by Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)-Southeast Asia and the Initiatives for International Dialogue urging ASEAN to heed the United Nations Secretary General’s call for a ceasefire, ensure human rights amid COVID-19. See the PDF version of the Statement here.

30 March 2020

We, in the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)-Southeast Asia and the Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID), together with the undersigned civil society organizations and individuals, strongly urge the Member-States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to heed the call of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres for an immediate global ceasefire in active armed conflicts in all parts of the world, in order to focus on the fight against the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. We likewise call on States to place human security and conflict sensitivity as core principles in their emergency responses, ensuring that measures are proportionate, necessary and non-discriminatory aligned with international human rights law and standards and are sensitive to the disproportionate vulnerability to pandemics of conflict-affected communities, refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless, internally-displaced persons (IDPs), people with disabilities, women, children and elderly.

In Southeast Asia, active armed conflicts are ongoing in the Philippines especially in Mindanao, in West Papua in Indonesia, in the Southern provinces of Thailand, and in various ethnic states all over Burma/Myanmar. These armed conflicts have created millions of refugees and internally displaced peoples. According to the UNHCR, in 2017, there were 3.37 million “persons of concern” in Southeast Asia, of which approximately 1.46 million were refugees, 74,416 asylum seekers, 1.17 million stateless, and 665,051 internally displaced persons. Not only are health systems of war-torn communities inadequate, but the access to healthcare and other forms of social protection by the most marginalized groups in ongoing active armed conflicts is almost none.

The COVID19 pandemic will undeniably test the capacity for crisis mitigation and the response of governments, and will potentially ravage each and every society. We are concerned, however, of countries and communities where overt violence and political instability are present and where economic capacities and social capital are fragile, making them more vulnerable to the impact of the outbreak, and possibly exacerbating existing conflicts or giving rise to new ones.

This is a test of ASEAN leadership in the region, and a test of ASEAN integration beyond just economics and trade. Unsurprisingly, however, the ASEAN members have yet to respond to the crisis as a regional community. Many countries beyond the region have also taken a me-first strategy, as the UN itself struggles to rally a decisive, coordinated global response. States need to recognize that while border lockdowns may temporarily contain the pandemic, without supporting the capacities of more fragile countries and without coordinated action, we will not be able to beat the virus. Solidarity among peoples and nations is needed now more than ever.

The virus will not discriminate with regards to religion, race, ethnicity, political ideology, and affiliation. This will hurt us all, but still, this will unevenly hurt the poor, the politically and economically marginalized, and the communities that are already devastated by violence — the same people in whose name many of the state security actors and non-state armed groups claim to fight for.

It is in light of these that we argue that a global ceasefire is not only a prudent step but a moral imperative.

All efforts must be expedited to contain the pandemic and find durable solutions to this common problem. Ceasefires will allow humanitarian aid to reach the most vulnerable communities and can open corridors for dialogue and coordination for emergency response, without the risk of being derailed due to any unnecessary armed confrontation. Resources must be directed preventing further damage to those who have already lost so much through armed conflict. In line with this aim, States must ensure that human security and social justice are at the heart of their response and that emergency powers are not abused for narrow political gains, otherwise such will only exacerbate the inequalities, insecurity, and distrust that underpin these armed conflicts.

Thus, we call on States to take the following steps without delay:

1.) Declare immediate unilateral ceasefires in order to establish humanitarian corridors and delivery of aid, particularly health education and services, to affected communities. This can serve as a starting point to negotiate and forge reciprocal ceasefire agreements and ceasefire monitoring mechanisms with armed groups;

2.) Allocate adequate resources to ensure non-discrimination, transparency, and respect for human dignity in the delivery of health services and humanitarian aid, regardless of citizenship, race, religion, political affiliation, gender, and economic status. Utmost attention must be provided in addressing the particular needs of the most vulnerable and conflict-affected communities, such as indigenous peoples, refugees, stateless, asylum seekers, IDPs, such as their access to clean water and sanitation, to protective and hygiene equipment like face masks, and to immediate testing, quality medical care, and social protection. The special needs and disproportionate risks for displaced women must be addressed;

3.) Ensure that the crisis response, including implementing state services and security forces, abides by the existing standards and principles of international human rights law. Declarations of state of emergencies, community-quarantines, lockdown, and restriction of freedom of movement must not come at the expense of the right to freedom of expression and access to information. Internet shutdowns that are in place in conflict-affected areas must be lifted, and context-specific information dissemination must be put in place in order to ensure every person is informed on the status of the pandemic and the government response. Emergency powers enacted into law must have clear limitations and have oversight and grievance mechanisms;

4.) Take steps to ensure support for and the safety of people involved in crisis response, especially healthcare workers in the frontlines, such as by providing them adequate protective gears and equipment and psychosocial support; and,

5.) Divert resources from arms and military spending to healthcare, social services, and peacebuilding.

We further call on the ASEAN to initiate and facilitate the space for mutual support and strategic coordination among member-states, especially in ensuring the wellbeing and rights of conflict-affected communities, refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless, and internally-displaced persons. This is the moment for ASEAN and its member states to act as a “people-centered, people-oriented,” caring and sharing community.


Endorsed by:


1. Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)-Southeast Asia

2. Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID), the Philippines

3. Alliance for Conflict Transformation (ACT), Cambodia

4. ALTSEAN-Burma

5. AMAN-Indonesia

6. Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN)

7. Asia Pacific Partnership for Atrocity Prevention (APPAP)


9. ASEAN Youth Forum (AYF)

10. Asia Democracy Network (ADN)

11. Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (APR2P), Australia

12. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)

13. Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN)

14. Burma Puma Rights Network (BHRN), Myanmar/Burma

15. Cambodian Civil Society Partnership, Cambodia

16. Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPCS), Cambodia/Asia

17. Center for Peace Education (CPE)-Miriam College, the Philippines

18. Center for Social Integrity – CSI, Myanmar/Burma

19. Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR), the Philippines

20. Child Rights Coalition (CRC) Asia

21. Focus on the Global South

22. Gaston Z. Ortigas Peace Institute (GZOPI), the Philippines

23. Ichsan Malik Center for Peace and Dialogue, Indonesia

24. Iligan Institute of Technology, Mindanao State University for Peace and Development and Mindanao (MSU-IIT IPDM)

25. In Defense of Human Rights and Dignity Movement (iDEFEND), the Philippines

26. Interfaith Cooperation Forum, the Philippines

27. Institutu ba Estudu Dame Konflitu e Sosial (KSI), Timor-Leste

28. Kachin Development Group, Myanmar/Burma

29. KontraS (Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence), Indonesia

30. Lumah Ma Dilaut, the Philippines

31. MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture), Malaysia

32. Mindanao PeaceWeavers (MPW), the Philippines

33. Moro Consensus Group, the Philippines

34. Pax Christi Institute, the Philippines

35. Pax Christi Pilipinas, the Philippines

36. Penang Peace Learning Centre (PPLC), Malaysia

37. Peacebuilders Community, Inc, the Philippines

38. Peace Building Club Malaysia

39. Peace Women Partners Philippines

40. Peoples Empowerment Foundation, Thailand

41. Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA), the Philippines

42. Progressive Voice, Burma/Myanmar

43. Pusat KOMAS, Malaysia

44. Radio Rakambia, Timor-Leste

45. Research and Education for Peace, Universiti Sains Malaysia (REPUSM), Malaysia

46. Southeast Asia Conflict Studies Network (SEACSN)

47. Southeast Asian Human Rights and Peace Studies Network (SEAHRN)

48. Stop the War Coalition, Philippines

49. Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Research/Education in Asean/Southeast Asia Programme (SHAPE-SEA) Governing Board

50. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM), Malaysia

51. Sulu Current Research Institute – Sharif Ul Hashim Inc., Sulu Archipelago, the Philippines

52. Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP)

53. Terres de Hommes-Germany in Southeast Asia

54. Working Group for Peace (WGP), Cambodia

55. Youth Education for Development and Peace (YEDP), Cambodia

56. 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Organization ( Myeik ) ၈၈ မဆက ငမခမရင ပငလငလအ ဖအ စည (မတ), Myanmar/Burma

57. The 88 Generation Peace And Open Society(Kyauk Me), Myanmar/Burma

58. 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Organization (Kyun Su) ၈၈ မ ဆကငမ ခမရ ငပငလငလအ ဖအ စည(ကနစ), Myanmar/Burma

59. 8888 New Generation (Mohnyin), Myanmar/Burma

60. A Linn Mee Eain အလငမအမအဖ( Lashio), Myanmar/Burma

61. A MATA ( Ayeyarwaddy MATA ), Myanmar/Burma

62. AATA ( Ayeyarwaddy Accountability and Transparency Association), Myanmar/Burma

63. Action Group for Farmers Affair (AGFA- Mandalay Division, Myanmar/Burma

64. Action Group for Farmers Affair (AGFA)- Ayarwaddy Division, Myanmar/Burma

65. Action Group for Farmers Affair (AGFA)- Bago Division, Myanmar/Burma

66. Action Group for Farmers Affair (AGFA)- Magway Division, Myanmar/Burma

67. Action Group for Farmers Affair (AGFA)- Sagaing Division, Myanmar/Burma

68. AGFA Action Group for Farmers’ Affair (Bago), Myanmar/Burma

69. Ahlin Tagar Rural Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

70. AhLin Thitsa Development Committee, Myanmar/Burma

71. Ahnaga Alinn Development Committee, Myanmar/Burma

72. Ahr Man Thit Bhamaw, Myanmar/Burma

73. Ahr Thit Yaung Chi (Hline Bwe ) အသစရငခည (လငဘ မ န ယ), Myanmar/Burma

74. Airavati Foundation, Myanmar/Burma

75. Alin Thitsar Development Committee အလငသစဖဖ ရကမတ, Myanmar/Burma

76. Alinn Bhamaw Local Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

77. Alinn Thit Disability Association, Myanmar/Burma

78. Alinsaetamarn Library & Resource Center, Myanmar/Burma

79. All Arakan Civil Society Organizations Partnership (AACSOP), Myanmar/Burma

80. All Kachin Youth Union, Myanmar/Burma

81. Ann Township Pipeline Watch Movement Organization အမမန ယ ပကလငရရ စငကည လပရရ အဖ, Myanmar/Burma

82. Arakan Civil Society Forum for Peace Network(ACSFPN), Myanmar/Burma 83. Arakan Human Rights Defenders and Promoters Association(AHRDPA), Myanmar/Burma

84. Arakan Humanitarian Coordination Team (ACHT), Myanmar/Burma 85. Arakan National Congress ( Laytaung )- ရခငအမသကနရက (လတင), Myanmar/Burma

86. Arakan National Network(ANN), Myanmar/Burma 87. Arakan Peasant Union – APU, Myanmar/Burma

88. Arakan Social Network (ရခငလမကနရက (မပ), Myanmar/Burma

89. Arakan Women Union (ရခင အမသမ သမဂ), Myanmar/Burma

90. Arakan Youth New Generation (ရခငလငယမဆကသစ), Myanmar/Burma

91. Arr Marn Thit Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

92. Athan – Freedom of Expression Activist Organization, Myanmar/Burma

93. Aung San Mandalar, Myanmar/Burma 94. Ayeyar Farmer Union, Myanmar/Burma

95. AYN Ayeyawady Youth Network, Myanmar/Burma

96. Ayyar Pyo May Women Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

97. Badeidha Moe CIvil Society Organization, Myanmar/Burma

98. Bago Women Development Group, Myanmar/Burma

99. Banmaw Youth Network, Myanmar/Burma

100. Bee House, Myanmar/Burma

101. Belinn CSO Network ဘလင CSO ကနယက, Myanmar/Burma

102. Bridging Rural Integrated Development and Grassroots Empowerment (BRIDGE), Myanmar/Burma

103. Butheetaung Youth Congress (ဘသတင လငယ ကနရက), Myanmar/Burma

104. Candle Light Youth Group, Myanmar/Burma

105. Cang Bong youth, Myanmar/Burma

106. CCTU, Myanmar/Burma

107. Central Chin Youth Organization, Myanmar/Burma

108. CHAD, Myanmar/Burma

109. Child Care Foundation (Myawaddy T.S), Myanmar/Burma

110. Child Prevention Network, Myanmar/Burma

111. Chin MATA working group, Myanmar/Burma

112. Chin youth Organization, Matupi, Myanmar/Burma

113. Chinland Natural Resource Watch Group, Myanmar/Burma

114. Citizen’s Action For Transparency (CAfT), Myanmar/Burma

115. Civil Authorized Negotiation, Myanmar/Burma

116. Civil Call (Sagaing Region), Myanmar/Burma

117. Community Association Development, Myanmar/Burma

118. Community Empowerment and Resilience Association (CERA), Myanmar/Burma

119. Community Response Group, Myanmar/Burma

120. Constitution Network ( Hpa An ) အခခဥပဒကနယက (ဖအမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

121. Daifin Social Service, Myanmar/Burma

122. Daifin Social Services (DFSS), Myanmar/Burma

123. Dama Ahlin Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

124. Dawei Development Association, Myanmar/Burma

125. Dawei Research Association, Myanmar/Burma

126. Dawei Watch Foundation, Myanmar/Burma

127. DEC Democratic Education Corner, Myanmar/Burma

128. Department of Development Studies, Myanmar/Burma

129. Development Network Hinthada, Myanmar/Burma

130. Doe Myae Social Development Organization ( Tontay ), Myanmar/Burma

131. Down Peace Organization, Myanmar/Burma

132. Enlightened Myanmar Research Foundation EMReF, Myanmar/Burma

133. Environmental Protection and conservation Society of Anin Region. (EPCS.Anin) အနငဒသ သဘဝထနသနစငရကသမအဖ, Myanmar/Burma

134. Equality Myanmar, Myanmar/Burma

135. Evergreen Organization-Momawk, Myanmar/Burma

136. Farmer Agricultural Network, Myanmar/Burma

137. Farmer and Labour Union(Myeik), Myanmar/Burma

138. Farmers and Land Rights Action Group, Myanmar/Burma

139. Farmers Networks Monyin, Myanmar/Burma

140. FCC, Myanmar/Burma

141. Flag Youth Group, Myanmar/Burma

142. Free & Fair ( Chaung Oo), Myanmar/Burma

143. Free and Justice Women Network ( Hpa An ) F&J (ဖအမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

144. Free Education Service Organization, Myanmar/Burma

145. FREELAND, Myanmar/Burma

146. FREELAND Organization(Lashio), Myanmar/Burma

147. Future Light Center, Myanmar/Burma

148. Future Light Development Committee (အနဂတအလငဖဖ ရကမတ), Myanmar/Burma

149. Future Light Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

150. Future Star, Myanmar/Burma

151. Future Star Youth Organization, Myanmar/Burma

152. Future Young Pioneer Organization(FYPO), Myanmar/Burma

153. Gayunarshin Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

154. Generation Wave GW, Myanmar/Burma

155. Gita Yart Won ( Thaton ) ဂတရပဝန-သထ, Myanmar/Burma

156. GOAL organization, Myanmar/Burma

157. Golden Future Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

158. Golden Heart Organization, Myanmar/Burma

159. Green Justice Institute, Myanmar/Burma

160. Green Network Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar/Burma

161. Green Peasant Institute, Myanmar/Burma

162. Green Rights Organization ( Shan State ), Myanmar/Burma

163. Green Youth, Myanmar/Burma 164. Grip Hand organization, Myanmar/Burma

165. Halcyon, Myanmar/Burma

166. Heartland Foundation(Lashio), Myanmar/Burma

167. Hinthada Anti-plastic Organization HAPO, Myanmar/Burma

168. History Carrier Group(Kyauk Me), Myanmar/Burma

169. Hkumzup Development Committee, Myanmar/Burma

170. Hline Bwe Youth Network လငဘလ ငယကနယက, Myanmar/Burma

171. Home Ma Lin Youth Network (ဟမလင လငယကနယက), Myanmar/Burma

172. Hope For Children Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

173. Hsar Du Wor CBO ( Than Taunggyi ) (ဆဒဝCBO) (သတငကမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

174. Hsar Ka Baw CBO ( Than Taunggyi ) (ဆကပ CBO) (သတငကမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

175. Hsar Mu Htaw ( Than Taunggyi ) ( လမအထကအကပအဖ) (သတငကမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

176. Htaw Mae Pa CSO ( Hline Bwe ) ထမပ CSO (လငဘ မ န ယ), Myanmar/Burma

177. Htee gyaunt Network, Myanmar/Burma

178. Htoi Gender and Development Foundation, Myanmar/Burma

179. Htoi San Local Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

180. Htun Thit Sa Rural Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma 181. Human Right Defenders and Promoters(Palaw), Myanmar/Burma

182. Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM), Myanmar/Burma

183. Humanitarian Strategy Team – Northern Shan State (HST-NSS), Myanmar/Burma

184. Humanity Institute, Myanmar/Burma

185. IFI Watch (Kyun Su), Myanmar/Burma

186. IFI Watch Myanmar, Myanmar/Burma

187. Independent Society (Hpa An) လတလပသလ ဘင (ဖအမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

188. iSchol-Myanmar, Myanmar/Burma

189. Island Tagon Social Care Organization, Myanmar/Burma 190. Justice Movement for Community – Innlay, Myanmar/Burma

191. Justice Society Organization(Lashio), Myanmar/Burma

192. Kachin Development Group, Myanmar/Burma

193. Kachin National Youth Network, Myanmar/Burma

194. Kachin State Farmers Association, Myanmar/Burma

195. Kachin State Women Network, Myanmar/Burma

196. Kachin State Women Network, Myanmar/Burma

197. Kachin Women Union, Myanmar/Burma

198. Kachin Women Union, Myanmar/Burma

199. Kalyana Mitta Development Foundation, Myanmar/Burma

200. Kaman Ethnic Social Network(KESN), Myanmar/Burma

201. Kan Chay Arr Man Fishery Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

202. Kanaung Institute, Myanmar/Burma

203. Kanpetlet Land Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

204. Kantbalu Farmers Union, Myanmar/Burma

205. Karan Land Development Organization ကတနမဖဖ တတကရအဖ, Myanmar/Burma

206. Karen Affairs Group KAG (ဖအမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

207. Karen State Women Network KSWN (Hpa An ), Myanmar/Burma

208. Karen Youth Organization (Hpa Pun ) ကရငလငယအဖ( ဖပနမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

209. Karen Youth Organization KYO ( Kyar Inn Sate Kyee ) (ကအငဆတကမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

210. Karenni Evergreen, Myanmar/Burma

211. Karenni Human Right Group, Myanmar/Burma

212. Karenni National Women Organization, Myanmar/Burma

213. Karenni State Farmer Union, Myanmar/Burma

214. Karuna Foundation ( Kawkareik ) ဂဏဖငဒရင (ကကရတမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

215. Katan Land Development Committee, Myanmar/Burma

216. Kaung Myat Hnalonethar Health Care Organization, Myanmar/Burma

217. Kaung Rwai Social Justice and Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

218. Kayah Earthrights Action Network (KEAN), Myanmar/Burma

219. KESAN (ဖအမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

220. Khaing Myar Thitsar Development Committee ခငမသစဖဖ ရကမတ, Myanmar/Burma

221. KMSS, Myanmar/Burma

222. KOG (ဖအမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

223. KRDA Kyaukphyu Rural Development Association, Myanmar/Burma

224. Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone Watch Organization ကကဖအထစပရဇ, Myanmar/Burma

225. Kyun Ta Htaung Myay Foundation ( KTHM ) ကနတစထငမ ဖငဒရင, Myanmar/Burma

226. LAIN Technical Support Group, Myanmar/Burma 227. Land In Our Hands (LIOH), Myanmar/Burma

228. Lann Pya Kye Mansi, Myanmar/Burma

229. LatButta Farmer Union, Myanmar/Burma

230. Lawng Byit Hkawng organization, Myanmar/Burma

231. Legal Clinic Myanmar, Myanmar/Burma

232. Legal Knowledge Sharing Group, Myanmar/Burma

233. Light Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

234. Lighthouse Social Development Organization Ayarwaddy, Myanmar/Burma

235. Lin Let Kyal Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

236. Lin Yaung Chi, Myanmar/Burma

237. Lisu Women Organization-Hsipaw လဆအမသမအဖ, Myanmar/Burma

238. Living Water Organization, Myanmar/Burma

239. Loi Yang Bum Community Development organization, Myanmar/Burma

240. Lu Mu Htar CBO ( Than Taunggyi ) ( လမထ CBO) (သတငကမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

241. Lu Nge Ahr Marm (လငယအမနအဖ) , Myanmar/Burma

242. Madae Island Youth Development Association (မဒကန လငယ ဖဖ ရ အသင), Myanmar/Burma 243. Mandalay Affairs Association, Myanmar/Burma

244. Mandalay Community Center, Myanmar/Burma

245. Mandalay Industrial waste water watch group, Myanmar/Burma

246. Mandalay Justice Committee, Myanmar/Burma

247. Mandalay Paralegal Network, Myanmar/Burma

248. Mandalay Political Women Group, Myanmar/Burma

249. Mandalay Regional Youth Association, Myanmar/Burma

250. Mandalay Social Harmony Network, Myanmar/Burma

251. Mandalay Social Science Institute (MSSI), Myanmar/Burma

252. Mandalay YMCA, Myanmar/Burma

253. Mandalay Young-sin, Myanmar/Burma

254. Mann Thingaha, Myanmar/Burma

255. MATA (Arakan), Myanmar/Burma 256. MATA (Sagaing Region), Myanmar/Burma

257. MATA (yangon), Myanmar/Burma

258. Matu Baptist Churches, Myanmar/Burma

259. Matu forum Committee, Myanmar/Burma

260. Matu social welfare, Myanmar/Burma

261. Matu Women Association, Myanmar/Burma

262. Mawdukala Mae Social Development Association, Myanmar/Burma

263. May Doe Arrman Women Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

264. Maydoearrman, Myanmar/Burma

265. Men fellowship Matupi, Myanmar/Burma

266. Metta Campaign, Myanmar/Burma

267. Metta Foundation, Myanmar/Burma

268. Metta Shin, Myanmar/Burma

269. Metta Yin khwin, Myanmar/Burma

270. Mi Kayin Youth ( Hpa An ) မကရငလငယ (ဖအမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

271. Mingalar Foundation, Myanmar/Burma

272. Minhla Youth Centre, Myanmar/Burma

273. MOBO, Myanmar/Burma

274. Mon Area Community Development organization MACDO – Ye, Myanmar/Burma

275. Mon Literature and Culture Association −Kawkareik, Myanmar/Burma

276. Mon state Women and Children Upgrade Conduct Organization(MWCUC), Myanmar/Burma

277. Mon Women Network (MWN) မနအမသမမကနယက, Myanmar/Burma

278. Mon Women’s Organisation (MWO) မနအမသမအဖ, Myanmar/Burma

279. Mother Land Network , Myanmar/Burma

280. MPA Myanmar People’s Alliance ( Shan State), Myanmar/Burma

281. MPFC Myanmar Press Freedom Center, Myanmar/Burma

282. MRCN, Myanmar/Burma 283. MRJ-Myu Sha Rawt Jat, Myanmar/Burma

284. Mu Sae Cum Multi – Development Association (မစကမ ဘကစ ဖဖ တတကရ, Myanmar/Burma 285. Muditar Organization, Myanmar/Burma

286. Mwetaung Area Development Group, Myanmar/Burma

287. Myanmar Covid-19 Response Center, Myanmar/Burma

288. Myanmar Cultural Research Society (MCRS), Myanmar/Burma

289. Myanmar ICT for Developlement Organization-(ဖဖ မအတက မနမအငစတအဖ) , Myanmar/Burma

290. Myanmar Independent living Initiative-MILI, Myanmar/Burma

291. Myanmar Postive Women Network, Myanmar/Burma

292. Myanmar Yat Youth Organization-Hsipaw) မနမရပလငယအဖ, Myanmar/Burma 293. Myeik Lawyer Network, Myanmar/Burma

294. Myit Ma Ayeyarwaddy Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

295. Myit Pha Ayeya အသင, Myanmar/Burma

296. Nam Kyoe Parahita Foundation, Myanmar/Burma

297. Nam Shani Organization, Myanmar/Burma

298. National Network for Education Reform NNER, Myanmar/Burma

299. Natural Green Alliance, Myanmar/Burma

300. Nay Won Ni, Myanmar/Burma

301. New Generation ( Won Tho )− မဆကသစ (ဝနသ), Myanmar/Burma

302. Ngwe Saung Youth Network, Myanmar/Burma

303. Ngwe Yaung A Nar Gat women Organization-Hsipaw , Myanmar/Burma

304. Nianggawn Institute (NI), Myanmar/Burma

305. Northern Shan State Youth Network, Myanmar/Burma

306. NSS Farmers Union, Myanmar/Burma

307. Nway Htway Thaw Yin Khwin ထသရငခင, Myanmar/Burma

308. Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica, Myanmar/Burma 309. Nyein (Shalom) Foundation, Myanmar/Burma

310. Open Development Foundation, Myanmar/Burma

311. Our Future Initiate, Myanmar/Burma

312. Our Natural Land, Myanmar/Burma

313. Oway Education and Youth Institute, Myanmar/Burma

314. Pan Pyoe Lett, Myanmar/Burma

315. Pan Taing Shin Women Rural Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

316. Pan Thi Kyo LGBT Organization, Myanmar/Burma

317. Paung Ku, Myanmar/Burma

318. Paung Ku (Mandalay), Myanmar/Burma

319. Paungsee Arr Institute (PAI), Myanmar/Burma

320. Paungsee Myittar Organization, Myanmar/Burma

321. PCCEN ( Primary Color Civics Education network), Myanmar/Burma

322. PCMJ Protection Committee for Myanmar Journalist, Myanmar/Burma

323. PDCE (Peace Development and Civic Education), Myanmar/Burma

324. Peace and Development Initiative-Kintha (PDI-Kintha), Myanmar/Burma

325. Peasant and Land Labour Union ( Myeik), Myanmar/Burma

326. Peasants Legal Aid Network (PLAN), Myanmar/Burma

327. People for People (PFP), Myanmar/Burma

328. Phyu Sin Myittar Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

329. Pone Yate Sit Regional Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

330. PSC Taung Gote SPC (တငကတ), Myanmar/Burma

331. Public Service Committee(PSC)Taungoke, Myanmar/Burma

332. Pyinnya Thagar Acadimate Institute, Myanmar/Burma

333. Pyoe Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

334. Rakhine Ethnics Congress (REC), Myanmar/Burma

335. Rakhine State Physically Handicapped Association (ရခငပညနယ မသနစမသမ, Myanmar/Burma

336. Rakhine Youth New Generation Network (RYNG-N), Myanmar/Burma

337. Rakka Ahr Marn (ရကအမန အဖ) , Myanmar/Burma

338. Rambrae Township Development Organization-ရမဗမန ယ ဖဖ တတကရ အဖ, Myanmar/Burma

339. Regional Development & Rule of Law Watchers. Daedaye, Myanmar/Burma

340. Reliable Organization RO, Myanmar/Burma

341. Representative Committee Of Education College Students Unions, Myanmar/Burma

342. Research Institute for Society and Ecology, Myanmar/Burma

343. Royal Women, Myanmar/Burma

344. Rule of law watch group, Myanmar/Burma

345. Rural Community Development Society, Myanmar/Burma

346. Rural Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

347. S& K mining Watch, Myanmar/Burma

348. Sain Let Ayar, Myanmar/Burma

349. Salween Network သလငကနယက (ဖအမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

350. San Phate Women Organization-Hsipaw စဖတအမသမအဖ, Myanmar/Burma

351. SaNaR, Myanmar/Burma

352. Sane Lann Myo Set ( Hpa An ) စမလနမဆက (ဖအမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

353. Sarnar Kyi Phyu Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

354. SarPhyu Famar Network, Myanmar/Burma

355. Save the Salween Network, Myanmar/Burma

356. Saytana Mon Women Network, Myanmar/Burma

357. Saytana Shaesaung Youth Organization, Myanmar/Burma

358. Saytanar Shin Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

359. Second Top Roof, Myanmar/Burma

360. Sein Yaung So Activities (Tada U), Myanmar/Burma

361. Shan Women Association, Myanmar/Burma

362. Shan Women Development Network, Myanmar/Burma

363. Sharing – မဝရ, Myanmar/Burma 364. ShiningStarInterfaith&HR Group, Myanmar/Burma

365. Shwe Nathar Famar Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

366. Shwe Thinkha Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

367. Shwechinthae Social Service Group (shwebo), Myanmar/Burma

368. SKY-youth, Kyaukphyu, Myanmar/Burma

369. Social Program Aid for Civic Education(SPACE), Myanmar/Burma

370. Southern Youth Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

371. SPACE, Myanmar/Burma

372. Special Olympic, Myanmar/Burma

373. Spectrum, Myanmar/Burma

374. Summer Shelter Library (အရပစကညတက), Myanmar/Burma

375. Sunflower (SHG), Myanmar/Burma

376. Swam Su Ti Rural Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

377. Swan Saung Shin, Myanmar/Burma

378. Sympathy Hands, Myanmar/Burma

379. Synergy (Social Harmony Organization), Myanmar/Burma

380. Ta’ang Women Organization-Hsipaw) တအငအမသမအဖ, Myanmar/Burma

381. Tanintharyi MATA, Myanmar/Burma 382. TANKS-Kachin, Myanmar/Burma 383. Tarkapaw Youth Group, Myanmar/Burma

384. Taung Ta Man Development Network, Myanmar/Burma

385. TEN Taunggyi Education Network, Myanmar/Burma

386. Thanbyuzayart Mon Youth Organization, Myanmar/Burma

387. Thantwe Development Organization (သတ ဖဖ တတကရ အသင), Myanmar/Burma

388. Tharthi Myay Foundation, Myanmar/Burma

389. The Helpers for Perfect Democracy(HPD) – Monywa, Myanmar/Burma

390. The Seagull (Human Rights, Peace & Development), Myanmar/Burma

391. Thein Than Aung, Myanmar/Burma

392. Thint Myat Lo Thu Myat (Peace Seekers and Multiculturalist Movement), Myanmar/Burma

393. Thit Sar Gone Network သစဂဏကနယက, Myanmar/Burma

394. Thu Kha Mein Institute, Myanmar/Burma

395. Thuriya Sandra Environmental Watch Group, Myanmar/Burma

396. THWEE CSO ( Kawkareik ) သ CSO (ကကရတမန ယ), Myanmar/Burma

397. Township Leading Group (Waingmaw), Myanmar/Burma

398. Township Leading Group Waingmaw, Myanmar/Burma

399. Transman Association Myanmar, Myanmar/Burma

400. Tri-star organization, Myanmar/Burma 401. TRY organization, Myanmar/Burma

402. Uakthon Local Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

403. Waimaw Civil Society Network (WCN), Myanmar/Burma

404. Waing Maw CSO Network, Myanmar/Burma

405. WAN Lark Development Foundation (WLDF), Myanmar/Burma

406. Windayel Village Social Organization ( Hpa An ) ဝငဒရယကရလမရအဖ , Myanmar/Burma

407. Women Active Group, Myanmar/Burma

408. Women Capacity Building,Kawkareik, Myanmar/Burma

409. Women fellowship,Matupi, Myanmar/Burma

410. Women for women foundation, Myanmar/Burma

411. Women Peace and Security Network- Northern Shan State (WPSN-NSS), Myanmar/Burma

412. Worker Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

413. Wunpawng Ninghtoin (WPN), Myanmar/Burma

414. Yae Kyi Sann social support group (BAGO), Myanmar/Burma

415. Yai Ywal Yar Youth Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

416. Yangon Watch, Myanmar/Burma

417. Yatanar Young Chi Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

418. Yin Khat Pann, Myanmar/Burma 419. YMCA, Myanmar/Burma

420. YMCA of Mandalay, Myanmar/Burma 421. Yone Kyi Yar (Mandalay), Myanmar/Burma

422. Young Ni Oo Social Development Organization, Myanmar/Burma

423. Young Ni Oo Women Group, Myanmar/Burma

424. Youth Ahsee Ahyone – Bago (လငယအစညအ-ပခ), Myanmar/Burma

425. Youth Campion Network (Mandalay), Myanmar/Burma 426. Zinlum Committee (Tanphaye), Myanmar/Burma

427. Zomi Student and Youth Organization, Myanmar/Burma

428. Zomia International Myanmar, Myanmar/Burma


1. José Manuel Ramos-Horta, 1996 Nobel Peace Prize co-awardee, Timor-Leste

2. Seng Raw Lahpai, 2013 Ramon Magsaysay awardee, Myanmar/Burma

3. Tirmizy Abdullah, Associate Professor, Mindanao State University, the Philippines

4. William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Activist and Freelance Journalist, York, United Kingdom

5. Corazon Fabros, Vice President, International Peace Bureau, Global/the Philippines

6. Pichamon Yeophantong, PhD, Australia/Asia-Pacific

7. Bruce Van Voorhis, Hong Kong

For further information, please contact: marc@iidnet.org

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