Millions of children worldwide are sexually exploited, both online and offline. And this number continues to grow. The Down to Zero Alliance is stepping up the fight against child sexual exploitation. We are committed to the protection of children and the prevention of sexual exploitation in twelve countries in Asia and Latin America. We do this together with children, young people, activists, parents, schools, governments, companies, and everyone who can make a difference, in the Step Up the Fight Against Sexual Exploitation of Children (SUFASEC) programme.
Children take centre stage
The focus of the programme is on children in all their diversity. They must be better protected against sexual exploitation, regardless of their sex, origin, gender identity, religion, race, physical and mental ability.
>Children and young people themselves know better than anyone what is important to them. That is why they have a leading role in the programme. They are trained as youth leaders so they can raise their voices and be heard. They work to change the social norms and harmful traditions that perpetuate child sexual exploitation. They also ask the government and authorities for better policies, legislation and enforcement, and stronger systems to protect them.
Protection and prevention
The environment in which children and young people grow up must be safe. The online environment of children and young people must also protect against sexual exploitation. With awareness, training and intensive lobbying activities, the SUFASEC programme involves parents and caregivers, government and business. They must create the framework for children and young people to develop optimally in complete safety.
Down to Zero
The Down to Zero alliance consists of Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Child Rights Coalition Asia, Conexión, Defence for Children – ECPAT, Free a Girl and Plan International, in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Alliance has been working since 2016 to prevent and stop sexual exploitation of children. Learn more about Down to Zero.